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Meditation for Awakening Chakras: 7 Simple Guided Meditation Techniques for Awakening & Balancing your Chakras: [ A Beginner's Guide to Opening and Balancing Your Chakras ] (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版

Your Beginner's Guide to Understanding, Awakening and Balancing the Seven Chakras!!!

Meditation for Awakening Chakras focuses on educating you about the basics of the Chakras and
Ancient Vedic Chakra Healing techniques which result into you achieving everlasting health-
physically and emotionally by awakening and balancing your Chakras.

The 7 Energy Inlets

The 'Universal Life energy' enters the human body at Seven (7) specific points, located along our spine.

These points are THE CHAKRAS.
Simply put, The Seven Chakras are the inlet energy taps of the human body.
All these Chakras are associated with certain Glands and Vital Organs and the energy entering the Chakras is lead to them for proper functioning and nourishment.
If a Chakra is Closed, Blocked or Un-Balanced then these Vital Organs and Glands are malnourished leading to further complications and diseases. (Both on a physical and meta-physical level)

Here's an interesting scenario:

Imagine that there is a small self-sufficient 'city', and it is divided into seven 'Blocks'.
Each of these block, has a windmill which produces the electricity required by the residents of the particular block.
Now as long as those windmills are functioning properly, the city has power.
But, when one of those windmill malfunctions, the power in that block goes out and the resulting darkness begets crime and gives rise to anti-social elements within that block.
When this happens, the city tries to rectify it by supplying that block with power from the nearby block, which in turn results into power shortages in the next block too.
This creates a chain of power imbalance within the blocks and in a short time the whole city finds itself in chaos.

As you would have guessed by now,
The breath we take (also called as 'Prana') is the wind energy that rotates the blades of the windmills.
The windmills are our 7 Chakras.
The city blocks represent the cluster of vital organs and glands which are under the influence of those Chakras.
And, the 'City' represents our entire body.

A person whose Chakras are awakened and in a balanced state will be in the best of his/her health.

It is possible to Awaken and Balance Your Chakras by performing Simple Guided Meditation Techniques called as "Dhyana Tantra".

You don't believe me?? Try out for yourself.

These Guided Meditations work wonders!!

Discover:: 7 Simple Guided Meditation Techniques for Awakening and Balancing your Chakras

This book details a variety of meditation techniques,
that when performed regularly will Awaken and Balance your Chakras and let you achieve everlasting health.

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