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Robert's Rules of Order In Action: How to Participate in Meetings with Confidence (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Zephyros Press
How to Get Things Done in a Meeting

The official edition of Robert’s Rules of Order is 2 inches thick and 816 pages long. But if you want to participate with total confidence in your next assembly, you only need 100 pages. These 100 pages.

Robert’s Rules of Order in Action puts the most important parliamentary rules, terms, and examples at your fingertips. When the clock is ticking, and you need to make a privileged motion or demand an appeal, this book gives you the right answers in the shortest time.


• All of the essential rules for Meetings, Motions, Debates, and Voting
• Reference tabs so you can plan your next move quickly
• Example scripts so you’ll know exactly what to say
• A brief history of Robert’s Rules
• Concise glossary

With Robert’s Rules of Order in Action you can feel at ease and in command at your next assembly.