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The New Commander: The great saga of England continues (The Company of Archers) (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
Arrows fly, swords are swung, and a new woman appears as George unexpectedly becomes the company's new commander and sails for the Holy Land. The Christians have broken the truce and the Fifth Crusade has begun, the irate Saracens are expelling Christians and Jews from their lands, and desperate refugees are pouring into Jerusalem's port city of Acre which is expected to fall. There are coins to be earned carrying those most favoured by God to safety, meaning those with the most coins to pay for a place on one of the company's galleys. And the French governor of Acre wants to leave his young wife behind and flee with the chests of coins he collected from the city's Saracen merchants before he expelled them despite the bribes they paid him. It is a rollicking good story and a very good read.