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Deadly Straits (A Tom Dugan Thriller Book 1) (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: R.E. McDermott

Three massive terrorist attacks!
Destruction on a global scale!
One man can stop the carnage, but the authorities won't listen.

They're too busy trying to kill him.

Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) are all around us, hiding in plain sight if you know where to look. When a cabal of international terrorists engineers not one act of terror, but three, part-time 'spook turned CIA scapegoat' Tom Dugan is the only one with a clue.

When pursuing a lead without official authorization earns Dugan a reputation as a loose cannon, that status soon morphs into 'person of interest' and then 'wanted fugitive' when the terrorists successfully implicate him in the first bombing.

Thus begins a non-stop thrill ride, as Dugan races around the globe in a desperate attempt to prevent the next bombings, just one step ahead of his former colleagues.

From London streets to the Singapore docks, to the decks of the tankers that slake the world's thirst for oil, Deadly Straits is, in the words of one reviewer, "fast-paced, multilayered and gripping."

A Note from the Author

I was living in Singapore, half a world away, when the towers fell on 9/11 and changed all our lives forever. After the initial shock, I, like most folks, adapted. For those of us who traveled a lot, increased airport security was an ever-present reminder of our vulnerability.

My mind being what it is, the inevitable result of such constant reinforcement was a story. All writers bring a bit of themselves to their work, and my ‘day job’ was in the maritime industry. Little wonder then, that as I traveled the world between ships and shipyards, I speculated on how a maritime-based terrorist plot might unfold.

I was determined that the plot be plausible and the characters realistic. I didn’t want my hero to be a superman, but an ordinary guy thrust into a situation far over his head. It took me years to get that right, and when I started writing in 2006, I had no idea just how plausible my plot would prove to be. I didn’t find out until over five years later, when Seal Team 6 sent Osama Bin Laden to his just reward. Among the intelligence recovered in the raid were plans for hijacking tankers and exploding them to cause “the death of great numbers of infidels and severe economic disruption, Inshallah.” Osama’s plans were almost identical to those described in Deadly Straits.

I’m often asked by readers if I have any concerns my books might be used as ‘blue prints’ by terrorists. In truth I don’t, simply because terrorists have all too active imaginations themselves. Let’s just hope the good guys can stay ahead of them.

Warning: While this book is suitable for a young adult audience, parental discretion is advised for persons younger than 15 years, due to the mature subject matter.

Excerpts From Amazon Reviews (See Full Text Below)

An awesome book! It has a very Tom Clancy feel. Kudos to Mr. McDermott. Well done, Sir. - D. Bosshardt

An absolute cracker of a thriller, quite simply on a par with Clancy et al. A terrific story, superbly written. - "Tao" Amazon (UK)

A little Clancy, a bit of Ludlum, and a lot of Mr. McDermott! - Libby Dunkin

I've always enjoyed books by Tom Clancy and Clive Cussler and Mr. McDermott did a fine job of following in their footsteps. Being ex-Navy Security Group, I found the story line to be very plausible with a fine mix of both maritime action and clandestine forces. - Imaham

I like Tom Clancy's books because I learn a lot while I enjoy the story. In that same way, McDermott taught me about maritime issues while he told a great story. – DJ