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Seduction Simplified: How to Build an Attractive Personality Through Personal Development to Attract Women (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Germán Mühlenberg

Seduction Simplified: Making the difficult easy

This book was read and recommended by Tai Lopez, the second largest reading club in the world, on the 3 of October 2017.

Most books or seduction guides will try to give you advice on what to do or say to women. They will tell you which techniques are best for you to get not only her, but any woman and almost instantaneously.

This book is not about what to say to women, but focuses on creating a more attractive personality. It will not be instantaneous, it will take time, you'll never be able to conquer them all and many will reject you. MANY!

But I can assure you one thing, it will work!

The reason why most books don’t work is because they don’t focus on the underlying problem. The fact is that most of these techniques try to compensate for deficiencies in personality. They try to cover up the problem, but they don´t solve it because the fears and insecurities will remain. It's like trying to cover the crack in the Titanic with a bandaid. No matter how many you use, it will never be enough.

Let me explain better, most of the people who seek to improve their romantic lives have beliefs that place them below the opposite sex. This is what is called the "Inferiority Gap". This means that a person believes implicitly that there is a difference between their value as an individual and a specific sex or gender, and therefore, needs an action to compensate for it.

These behaviors are called "performance behaviors." They are not things we do because we really want to but things we do because we fear disapproval or rejection from someone else. Worst of all, most of the seduction tips in Blogs, Youtube or books promote this type of behavior. "Say this", "do the other thing", "wait three days to answer" … Whatever

These behaviors, besides being unattractive, consist of three problems:

1- Reinforces low self-esteem: If we need an action or behavior to please the rest, this will reinforce the belief that we are insufficient.
2- They are exhausting: They take a lot of energy because we will never know if we are correct: “Did I say the correct phrase?” “Did I talk to him too soon?”
3- They inhibit trust between people: If we feel that we need certain behaviors to merit acceptance, we will never be sure whether the other person appreciates us for our actions or for what we really are.

This book explores how to build an attractive personality through personal development. It offers a new perspective that puts individual growth as the key to enjoying a full social life and being successful with women.
Those for whom these techniques will be necessary subconsciously feel they are not good enough to conquer them. Men who are most successful are those who do not see the woman above themselves. Thus the game becomes simple and natural. That is why I faithfully believe that success with women is based on the development of our personality. Self-development and being an attractive man are inseparable.

The book will help you to:
- Assume a different attitude towards women
- Develop your identity
- Discover what attracts women
- Overcome shyness
- Improve your self-esteem
- Be confident
- Learn the difference between generating attraction in women and seeking their approval
- Improve your emotional and social intelligence
- Develop an attractive personality based on your interests
- Deepen your relationships and network effectively
- Understand the meaning of happiness and how it can affect our attractiveness

This book Also take you into five different romantic stories from my travel.

Seduction Simplified is easily accessible and uncomplicates the complicated. Pick up your book right now by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of the page!