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Ham Radio: Ham Radio License, Equipment, Antennas, and Activities; The Ultimate Guide to Amateur Radio (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版

The all NEW Amateur Radio User Guide! Completely up-to-date information so you can get the most out of your Ham Radio. Grab the guide that should be in every ham shack!

What can you do with your Ham Radio?

Only this guide provides a comprehensive, easy to understand, and completely up-to-date explanation of how to get up and running in your very own ham shack! Learn exactly why so many enthusiasts love the world of amateur radio!

Grab this guide today and learn:

  • What is Ham Radio?

  • History of Ham Radio

  • Ham Radio in the 21st Century

  • Why get into Ham radio?

  • How to Get Started With Amateur Radio

  • Ham Radio Licensing Procedure in the United States

  • License Classes

  • License Exam

  • How to prepare for the Amateur Radio Licensing Exam

  • What to Consider When Purchasing a Ham Radio

  • Hand held Ham Radios

  • Mobile Ham radios

  • Ham radio base stations

  • Antennas

  • Uses of the different categories of ham radios

  • Choosing your radio

  • Hand held Transceivers

  • Mobile Ham Radio Transceivers

  • Mono band, Dual band, and Multi band radios: Which to choose?

  • High Frequency, Very High Frequency, Ultra High Frequency, or All Modes: Which to choose?

  • Summary: Choosing a transceiver

  • Radio 101

  • Terms and basic concepts

  • Radio Frequency

  • Radio Wavelengths

  • High Frequency, Very High Frequency, and Ultra High Frequency Ranges
    Radio Bands

  • Radio Channels

  • Basic Operating Procedures and Beginning Contact

  • Beginning using a Hand Held Transceiver and a Local Repeater

  • Initiating a call

  • Responding to a Call

  • Making direct Contact

  • Using CQ to make contact

  • How to Respond to a C Q

  • Continuous Wave Contacts

  • QSL Cards

  • Common problems in amateur radio

  • Citizen Band Radio

  • Family Radio Service System

  • And much more!

If you are serious about getting into ham radio, it only makes sense to also have the knowledge to get the most out of it. Empower yourself to fully enjoy your ham radio when you grab this guide today!