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Planned Collapse of Americanism: Pres. Trumps Biggest Challenge (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
This new and re-edited edition is the one the media and deep state don't want you to read. They are pulling out all the stops to try and kill the free press, and that includes this book. They know these uncomfortable truths will pull the covers off their long running corruptions, in and around the Washington D.C. misinformation machine
Yes, this is a politically incorrect book filled with inconvenient truths tied to hundreds of fascinating, even scary misconceptions about how Washington and the deep state really operate! If you think you are up to date and aware on politics and how our country operates, be ready to be absolutely shocked! Both political sides are hit hard in this book for good reasons!
Exposed are over a hundred different ways that our sinister and corrupted system deceives us and robs us of our due. Glinka exposes the single hidden factor that gives license to leaders on both sides of the political aisle to lie, cheat, cause infighting and mislead the public of their true motives. Who really are these who are waging a huge and silent coup, completely bent on destroying true Americanism? Explained is why President Trump just might endure the same fate as J.F.K. and Abe Lincoln. This writer unveils exactly WHO the purveyors of America's immense debts, useless wars, dumbed down education system really are. And they likely are not those you might suspect. Revealed are hidden proofs exposing how their corruptions go unnoticed by most. Explained incredibly well are the corrupted, illegal and stealthy secrets behind the un-Federal Reserve, our news outlets, failed schooling, engineered booms and busts, bad trade agreements and so much more. After years of intensive research, he has dug up hundreds of little known nuggets to prove the deep states true goals for society. Once the reader takes in all the timeless quotes & warnings recorded right out of the very mouths of differing top elites and world leaders, the reader will in fact come to accept the reality of these sensational and well argued claims of the new world order to come. President Trump has a monumental job perhaps as no other leader has ever had to face if he is to win America back.
A lengthy section shows how and why they have used mass psychological warfare and misinformation for years in order to convince American citizens that it is fine to slowly give up rights and liberties in exchange for "safety and security", even if it means willful compliance & acceptance of the growing state's dictates. For some, it is uncomfortable reading, just as the real truth nearly always is. Why are the some purposely trying to trash this books ratings on Amazon due to things like a misplaced apostrophe? Perhaps they are afraid of the truth. "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act!"
This is required reading, especially for the young who must learn to adapt to the current reality of the new anti-God, pro-satanist world they are entering. Even with all this, the author amazingly reveals that the best of America is set to take place if citizens become far more enlightened, pro-active and demanding of their representatives! If you are open minded and can deal with uncomfortable truths, get ready for a wild, educational and informative political hayride like you've never been on before! Your kids, your family all depend on you to know the real, untold story of American politics and the possibility of the new world order.