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Illuminati Unmasked: Everything you need to know about the “New World Order” and how we will beat it. (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
* Barack Obama’s shocking ties to this Mystery Religion—and it’s not Islam.
* How American politics have been rigged
and who has the power to control every level of your government.
* All of America’s external threats—illegal immigration, pandemics, terrorism—
orchestrated by the same people.
* Who was really behind 9/11 and how they have far worse planned.
* America’s top leaders from both Parties bow to this secret power.
* The worst days in America can all be traced back to them.
* American Patriots have been framed and murdered by them.
* Assassination is their specialty.
* Hidden history uncovered! The Communists and Nazis owe them their origins.
* “Another lone gunman” lie with a twist you’ve never heard: the real story behind Abraham Lincoln’s death.
* The chilling reality of “mind control”: LSD, satanism and the CIA...and who is behind it all.
* The death of the dollar and destruction of the Middle Class: all carefully planned.
* The “Alien Agenda”: a coming world deception completely controlled by them...—with help from another realm.
* Signs that a nation you never would suspect is secretly fighting the New World Order and proof that Resistance is Rising!