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From the Company of Shadows (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Ascent Publishing, LLC
From the Company of Shadows is a fascinating revelation of the procedures the CIA uses in conducting covert operations, counterintelligence investigations and counter terrorism. This is a detailed expose' covering multiple facets of CIA intelligence and secrecy.
Coded information in the hard copy is not available in Kindle. See author website.

How did this book make it by the censors?

Kevin Shipp provides a detailed expose' of the CIA's use of secrecy and the executive branch's abuse of the little known State Secrets Privilege.

"From 1953 to the present the federal government, and most notoriously the CIA, has used the assertion of the State Secrets Privilege to block cases of negligence, discrimination, shut down whistleblower claims, prevent other branches of government from conducting investigations..."

Shipp provides a stunning example of the CIA's concealment of negligence by including excerpts from his book on the subject, blacked out by CIA censors. He spent months going back and forth, line by line, word by word, negotiating with the CIA for the book's release.

Shipp courageously exposes the current stealth jihad movement operating in the US and lays out the techniques terrorist organizations use to carry out their attacks.

Important Note: Xs and ?s in the text are words blacked out by the CIA.