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Queen Victoria & The French Royal Families (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Hilliard & Croft
Throughout the six decades of Queen Victoria’s reign, France underwent immense political changes, fluctuating between monarchies, empires and republics. Relations between Britain and France were equally variable, as the shadow of Napoleon Bonaparte still hung over the collective memory, and it was widely believed on both sides of the Channel, that one day his successors would attempt to avenge the defeat of Waterloo.
Against this background, Queen Victoria was forced to navigate the tumultuous waters of international relations, balancing her personal feelings with her role as a constitutional monarch. Despite the mistrust between Britain and France, and the animosity between the Orléans and Bonaparte families, she succeeded in forming firm friendships with both King Louis Philippe d’Orléans, and Napoleon’s nephew, Emperor Napoleon III without compromising her position as Queen.