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American Terrorist (The Rayna Tan Action Thrillers Book 1) (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版

Explosive Action, International Drama and Chilling Suspense

When terrorists launch assaults on the Washington Monument and the New York subway system, all government resources are thrown at the situation, trying to contain the damage and prevent more. But is this the end game, or just the opening act?

˃˃˃ A Vital Clue Is Ignored

When a video of desecration and beheading in a small Syrian village appears briefly on the deep web, no one pays attention to the ragtag marauders who promise to “light up America.” No one, that is, except Rayna Tan, ex-Canadian Special Forces and newly minted covert operative.

˃˃˃ It’s Definitely Not Just A Man’s World Anymore

Rayna discovers that the threat is not only real, but imminent. With the 4th of July coming, the sophisticated terrorist group plans an apocalyptic disaster more than ten times the size of 9-11. But where the hell is it going to be? And who are they?

Masterminding their plot is a woman whose intellect, beauty and strength match Rayna's - but whose moral compass swings a hundred and eighty degrees opposite.

˃˃˃ American Terrorist is a work of fiction, but what’s truly scary is that the scenario is frighteningly plausible. This is no conspiracy theory. We do have shadowy, brutal enemies. Can we stop them from executing destruction again?

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