Are you worried that you don't have enough time to lose weight? Are you sick of the pounds stacking on and covering up your muscles? John Powers is one of the country's foremost experts in personal training. With years of experience in grueling military workouts, high-intensity training, and calisthenics, Powers spends his time helping people get the bodies of their dreams. And now he's here to help you do the same.
Calisthenics: The 20-Minute Dream Body with Bodyweight Exercises and Calisthenics provides a thorough, practical program designed to help you get results fast. Using Powers’ system as your secret weapon, you’ll soon see the fat melting away and the muscle-mass packing on.
Calisthenics is packed with practical, detailed, bodyweight workouts and nutritional guidelines. If you like step-by-step guides that are delivered by an expert and designed to get fast results, then you’ll love John Powers landmark book.