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Toddler Discipline: Essential Guide for Parents: The Most Effective Strategies to Eliminate Tantrums, Behavior Problems and to Raise a Happy Child (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版

Has your little one gone from adorable, cooing infant to overly emotional, unpredictable tyrant overnight? Are you tired of tantrums, yelling and behaviour problems?

Raising children is not an easy task. With terms like ‘the terrible twos’ coming into play, it’s no wonder that many new parents feel overwhelmed during this stage of their baby’s development.

Christine Carter gives precious advices and describes most effective strategies how to solve behavior problems and eliminate tantrums! Her toddler discipline strategies will prepare parents for the challenging toddler years, will help raise a happy child and build a happy family. There are no bad kids, you just have to learn few discipline basics.

Some of the questions that will be answered in this book include:
•    How does brain development relate to toddler discipline?
•    What kinds of limits does a toddler need or not need?
•    How can you develop healthy communication patterns with your little one?
•    What are the best ways to help toddlers learn to deal with conflict?
•    What discipline strategies are most effective in helping toddlers through this crucial stage of development?
•    How can you as a Supermom stay calm in the face of toddler frustration?

As you move through the book and the answers to these questions, you’ll find numerous tips and tricks to help you apply what you learn in real-world situations.