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Inside the Gates of Heaven

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Advanced Global Publishing

Inside the Gates of Heaven is one of the most compelling accounts of an individuals encounters with God in this generation.  Not only does this account take you on a journey through the gates of glory, it answers some of the questions long asked by many about our eternal destination.  I have personally read and re-read this account in light of what the Lord is revealing to many of us in this hour and find that Brother Oden was a forerunner for many of us.  His words and experiences have been repeated through many others who have had similar experiences.  The Lord is truly trying to encourage this generation with the reality that awaits all of us - Heaven, our eternal destiny.         

Bruce Allen


For those unsure of the existence of Heaven, Oden Hetrick’s detailed account of his visits to the place we all long for serves as a true doubt-demolisher and faith-injector. The fact that Oden led an exemplary righteous, Christian life lends further credence to his written testimony. It was my honor both to have known him as a friend and to have been  inspired by his great faith.  

Steve Jones

Extra Mile Ministries 



The Hetrick family is very special to me.  They adopted me into their family like a daughter and sister, and have blessed me in many ways. Dad Hetrick was a genuine man of God with a gentle spirit.   I trust you will be blessed and edified by what the Lord has revealed to him.  I look forward to experiencing the exciting glories of Heaven soon that he has left on record for our encouragement and instruction.                                                

Arlene A. Cober