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How to Overcome Sin: A Practical Guide to Freedom (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: DRSilva.net
It’s great that God forgives us when we sin…but wouldn’t it be better if we could live without sinning at all? Many have labeled that a heresy because all their experience knows is one of being dominated by sin, but in scripture sinlessness is the clear reality of the normal Christian life. (Yes, even Romans 7 proves it!)
This is one the most powerful and practical books ever written on the subject of sin. But don’t let the title fool you, this isn’t another step-by-step book of formulas and rituals to perform when you are tempted by sin (most of which never work!). This isn’t a book that will tell you how to fill your computer with “porn blockers,” and your contact list with accountability partners that you make embarassing confessions to, but you’re still left to suffer with those urges. This life-changing book reveals your true identity in Christ, and everything He has done for you regarding sin. D. R. Silva breaks down popular Bible verses about sin that are frequently quoted, but the power Is never truly understood, which keeps believers from being empowered to live them out. This book makes it easy. When you find out who you really are and how God looks at you, sin instantly loses its appeal. Silva takes the old approach of “try harder to stop sinning” and replaces it with “Stop and look at yourself from a new perspective!”
It’s absolutely possible to live a sin-free life, and thousands upon thousands around the world are enjoying that freedom. How to Overcome Sin doesn’t only tell you that you should stop sinning (that’s already been hammered into your head!), it actually shows you how, first by proving that it’s possible!
“D. R. Silva is part of an exciting breed of young authors proclaiming the gospel of radical grace. Unafraid to ask the big questions or confront manmade traditions, he writes so that the church might live up to its full potential in Christ. How to Overcome Sin is a book that will challenge the way you think and help you to see your life through the awesome work of the cross.” — Paul Ellis, author of Stuff Jesus Never Said, and The Hyper-Grace Gospel, Silver Medal winner of 2015 Illumination Book Awards
“D.R. Silva is a great author who navigates the reader around the potholes of religion and leads them into the safe fields of grace.” — Mick Mooney, Huffington Post, and author of An Outsider’s Guide to The Gospel
“This book is a refreshing change, bringing a truth that will be water to your soul: Jesus has made you righteous and completely set you free from sin!” – Phil Drysdale, PhilDrysdale.com