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Understanding the Book of Revelation (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Rose Publishing
Understanding the Book of Revelation
The Book of Revelation is an exciting yet often misunderstood book in the Bible. Revelation is a source of hope and encouragement for Christians because the book tells about the triumphant return of our Lord, Jesus Christ. In 30 minutes, Understanding the Book of Revelation eBook will help you understand the different ways Christians have interpreted Revelation throughout the centuries.

There are four generally accepted views on Revelation in regards to how the text applies to us today. The four views are:
• Historicist - Revelation is prophecy about church history from the time of John to the end of the world
• Preterist - Revelation is prophecy that was fulfilled primarily in the first century AD
• Futurist - Revelation is prophecy primarily about the future end of the world
• Idealist - Revelation is a non-historical and non-prophetic drama about spiritual realities

Christians of all eras have believed that Jesus will return a second time, but not all Christians agree that Revelation is all about the second coming of Jesus. There are many symbols and events mentioned in the book of Revelation and there are different interpretations as to their meanings. Understanding the Book of Revelation presents the meanings of 21 different symbols and events from the perspective of the Historical, Preterist, Futurist, and Idealist views. For example:
The Scroll (Revelation 5:1-4)
• Historical View - The scroll is the coming history of the church as God reveals it and is Lord over it
• Preterist View - The scroll is God's bill of divorce against unfaithful Israel
• Futurist View - The scroll is either the title deed to the earth or God's prophetic message in Revelation
• Idealist View - The scroll is God's last will and testament, revealing his salvation plan for the last time

Understanding the Book of Revelation also includes insights on the following symbols and terms:
• The 7 Seals
• The 7 Churches
• 144,000
• Mark of the Beast
• 666
• Persecuted Woman
• The 7 Trumpets
• The 7 Bowls
• Great Prostitute
• Fall of Babylon
• New Creation - New Heaven and New Earth
• Millennium
• Healing of the nations

There will continue to be many debates over the prophecies and symbolism in the Book of Revelation until our Lord returns. Understanding the Book of Revelation will help you see the different views and will enable you to discuss the different viewpoints with others on this important topic.