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Stop Wasting Money!: Take Control of Your Finances and Discover 250+ Ways to Save Money! (Personal Finance Book 1) (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版

Stop Wasting Money! Take Control of Your Finances and Discover 250+ Ways to Save Money!

I'm frugal. My extended family think I'm stingy. My friends label me as a cheapskate. These are negative labels which are designed to spur me to become a spender. Our modern society is geared to consume. Advertisements sell us the dream to make us want stuff. Buy stuff to be happy and live the 'perfect life'.  At the end of the day, I'll be laughing. Why? I'll be financially free while they'll still be slaving away working for the man.

They say:

  • "Don't be cheap!"

  • "You've got no life."

  • "You have to enjoy life."

  • "You have to spend money to enjoy life"

Little do they know, I actively and deliberately choose where I want to splurge. While I scrimp on what appears to be everything, I spend on the things in life that I enjoy the most: eating good food and travel.

Why waste money on things that doesn't give you any satisfaction?

Why bother living frugally?

Living frugally gives you choices.

By spending less than you earn you will be financially ahead of many individuals and households. The money you save can help pay off a mortgage, other debt or be put into savings and investments.

By spending less you need less to live. You can choose a less-paying less-stressful job. Choose to work less. Work more now, put more into savings to help you retire earlier.

Real Wealth

Money is something we all need and want. We need it to pay for our daily needs to pay for shelter, food and water. We dream of having more of it. It can cause numerous headaches, stress, arguments  between partners, families and friends. It has the power to liberate us when we know how to harness it and manage it with respect.

Being rich is having a lot of money, but being wealthy is knowing how to manage money to your own advantage.