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Self Love: Achieve Lasting Self Love with Positive Thinking, Unconditional Confidence, and Unshakeable Self Esteem (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版

Learning to love yourself lets you live the life you always wanted

This book teaches you the importance of self-love, including what it means, why it matters, and how to develop a healthy mindset and habits

Why is loving yourself important?

  • It improves your confidence and self-esteem

  • It makes you more productive and fulfilled

  • It helps you reduce the amount of stress in your life

  • It’s contagious and makes others want to be around you

  • It helps you see yourself as the valuable, important person you truly are

Fight against destructive negativity and low-esteem

This book knows that self-love is not an easy task, and it’s certainly not one that most people know how to do by default. You’ll learn how to asses your current self-esteem and identify the roadblocks that are holding you back from loving yourself. Then, you’ll learn how to transform that negativity into positivity. .

Embrace healthy diet, exercise, and self-care

We’re constantly told that to be a good person, we have to focus entirely on others and never ourselves. That’s a common misconception, and what ends up happening is we push ourselves so hard that we become drained of life, and have nothing to offer others. If you really care about loving others, you have to love yourself, first. This book provides a path on how to treat yourself as you treat others, including better diet, exercise, and always beginning the day with self-love. That can include journaling and treating yourself to something you enjoy. You also want to be kind to yourself, and only consume positive media, books, and TV.

Only surround yourself with what encourages you

There are obstacles to self-love, so it’s important to get rid of as many of them as possible. Surround yourself with friends and family who encourage you, and don’t bring you down. Think carefully about your friends and if there’s someone who always has harmful words for you, avoid spending time with them or giving them the opportunity to criticize you. Some people don’t even realize what they’re doing, so have conversations with these friends about how they treat you. Have the same conversation with yourself, if necessary. Many people harbor guilt and bitterness against themselves, so learn how to forgive and forget.

Commit to the journey of self-love

Turning negativity into positivity, and self-hatred into self-love is a journey. Setting goals for yourself is an important part of the process, and focusing on small things you can do every day to improve your self-esteem. You’ll start to see positive results like more energy, less depressive episodes, and just a lighter sense of being. Be sure to reward yourself for your progress, and celebrate every victory as it comes.

Learning to say “no”

One of the hardest parts of self-care is saying “no,” whether it’s to negative influences or people. This book will explore how to say “no” well, and what happens afterwards.

Body image and the media

A common variation of self-hatred is hatred of your own body. The media has been an incredibly destructive force, and forces the idea of what “perfect” is. This book will break down signs that you may have a body image problem, and what to do about it. Part of loving yourself is loving the skin you’re in, and loving yourself as a whole.
Love yourself for a week, for 30 days, and beyond!
Let this book be your guide to self-love and self-care every step of the way. It isn’t a selfish, or foolish endeavor. Self-love will transform your life.