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Breaking BUD/S: How Regular Guys Can Become Navy SEALs (formerly The SEAL Training Bible) (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版

Formerly Titled: The SEAL Training Bible

From the Back Cover:

How do you eat an elephant? Elephants are huge. Your mouth - despite what your highschool teachers said - is small. You eat it one bite at a time.

You want to be a Navy SEAL, we call ourselves Team Guys. You want to be paid to jump out of airplanes in the middle of the night, to sneak behind enemy lines and snatch bad guys out of their beds, to be elite and be silent and be deadly. You want to test yourself against one of the hardest selection and training programs in the world and prove to yourself there’s nothing you cannot do.

This is no small order, as you likely know. It takes a special level of dedication and focus to make it, but it isn’t impossible. If you can pass the basic SEAL Challenge physical requirements, you can physically become a SEAL.

SEAL Challenge Requirements:
500 yd. swim (breast stroke or CSS):12:30
10 minute rest
Pushups (2min): 42
Situps (2min): 50
Pullups (unlimited time): 6
10 minute rest
1.5 mi. Run: 11:00

If you can meet or beat these scores, you have what it takes to be a Team Guy. Let that sink in. Better scores indicating better fitness might make it easier on you mentally, but if you can meet or beat these scores, you have everything you need to become one of the world’s elite Special Operations Forces (SOF). You don’t need to have an XBOX or Playstation to get your action fix: you can get it at work every day.

There should be an alarm going off in your head right now telling you something’s wrong here. If that’s all there is to it, then why do so few make it? Why do so many dedicated men fail to become Team Guys, despite their “burning desires” or “extreme dedication?” Why do thousands of men give up on their “dream” every year?

They’re not eating that elephant one bite at a time.

Unlike every other book about Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL Training (BUD/S) in general, this book is going to show you how thousands of normal guys before you have successfully navigated BUD/S and gone on to become Navy SEALs. By the time you finish this book, you will be more prepared for BUD/S than any other candidate out there. You’ll know the best way to keep up on soft-sand runs, you’ll know the best techniques for Log PT, you’ll know what to focus on during Pool Comp, and you’ll be better prepared for Hell Week.

You’ll have the best set of tools possible to complete BUD/S. This won’t make it easy by any means and the book won’t do it for you. There are no cheat codes at BUD/S - you still have to do everything yourself. You might still Drop On Request (DOR) and quit. But knowledge is a weapon, and if you know what to expect and how people have done things before, you have a psychological edge and will be able to keep your head in the game.

And it IS a game. BUD/S is a long, terrible, miserable game that you won’t want to play most of the time. But if you want to be a SEAL, you’ll play the game to the end. And at the end you get your Trident. I’ll show you how.

This 424-page book will give you the most in-depth look at BUD/S on record. There are BUD/S evolution details and advice here that you can't find anywhere else. No internet forum or email or TV special can get this exhaustive.

If you're serious about becoming a Navy SEAL, if you're interested in the most detailed description of SEAL training available in the world, or you're interested in the physical and mental performance techniques of the elite, Breaking BUD/S is your guide to life.