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The Audacity to be a Writer: 50 Inspiring Articles on Writing that Could Change Your Life (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Positive Writer
All contributors: Bryan Hutchinson, Joe Bunting, C.S. Lakin, Ali Luke, Marcy McKay, Shanan Haislip, Andy Mort, Christine Frazier, Liwen Ho, Chelsea Nenno, Claire DeBoer, Kate I. Foley, Josh Irby, Stacy Claflin, Nicole Gulotta, Dana Sitar and Bryan Collins

Table of Contents:
Introduction: The Magnificent Art of Writing
The Audacity to be a Writer
The Most Important Step You Can Take (for Your Writing Career)
2 Insanely Simple Steps for Becoming A REAL Writer
A Crazy Myth Writers Need to Kill
Why You’re Not Finishing the Writing You Started
7 Distractions Stopping You from Writing (and How to Beat Them!)
How to Become a Better Writer
4 Pieces of Well-meaning Writing Advice to Beware of
What Michelangelo Taught Me about Writer’s Doubt
The Monster in Every Writer’s Head
How to Overcome Writer’s Doubt
3 Myths that Hold Your Best Writing Back
9 Ways to Promote Your Writing without Being a Jerk
Climbing Out of the Pit
How to Embrace Your Fears to Create Your Best Work
Face Fear the Wright Way and Write Your Best Work
How to Edit Your Book until its “Finished”
6 Ways to Enjoy the Editing Process (Seriously!)
6 Quick Tricks to Help You Tighten Up Your Writing
How to Write Your Story in 6 Steps
Why Writers Self-destruct and 5 Ways to Thrive Instead
The 3 Essentials that Determine Your Writing Success
Are You Unwittingly Sabotaging Yourself by Talking About Your Writing?
Why You Need to Do Something Stupid (to Succeed as a Writer)
Why Failure IS an Option for Writers
4 Effective Ways to Beat Writer’s Burnout
Don’t Let the “Play-It-Safers” Talk You Out of Your Writing Potential
Just About the Worst Advice You Can Give a Writer
Surviving Criticism without Losing Confidence in Your Writing
How to Give Constructive Writing Criticism (That Actually Helps)
Why You Need to Shut Up and Write!
8 Reasons Why Procrastinating Is Better than Working
The Bulletproof Guide to Free Writing
How to Silence Negative Voices and Write
6 Weird but Awesome Hacks for a Happy Writing Life
How to Inspire Your Writing… Now!
10 Ways to Leave Your Comfort Zone and Write
9 Tips on How to Totally Crush Writer’s Block
Why So Many Blogs and Books Utterly and Completely Fail!
One Sure-Fire Way to Find Your Passion
Use Discipline to Cultivate the Creative Flow
Shattering the Myths about the Midas Touch and Success
How to Become a Prolific Writer While Holding Down a Day Job
Starting Over Is Essential to Your Creativity and Success
Why No One’s Paying Attention to You (and How to Change It)
7 Inspirational Quotes that Could Change Your Life
How Achieve Greatness as a Writer
How to Be Loved for the Work You Love to Do
Invaluable Advice from Seth Godin Every Writer Needs to Read
Just the Beginning
Bonus: The Most Important Goal for Writers