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The Robert Collier Letter Book (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
This is not a textbook, calculated to show the beginner how to take his pen
or typewriter in hand and indite a masterly epistle to some fancied customer.
It is for the business man who already knows the theory of letter writing but
is looking for more effective ways of putting it into practice.
It covers all the necessary rules, of course, but it does this informally.
Primarily, it is the log book of a long and varied experience.
It shows successful ways of selling all manner of products, from coal and
coke right on down to socks and dresses. But through all the differences in
products and appeals, runs this one connecting thread—that while products
and reasons for buying may vary, human nature remains much the same; that
familiarity with the thing you are selling is an advantage, but the one
essential without which success is impossible in selling, by mail or selling in
person, is a thorough understanding of human reactions.