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You 2.0: Stop Feeling Stuck, Reinvent Yourself, and Become a Brand New You - Master the Art of Personal Transformation (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版

How will your life end up if you continue to stay the same?

I’m serious. Think about the answer before you read on…

Are you going to be happy or okay with your life if it keeps going in the same direction?

You know the direction I’m talking about.

You drag yourself out of bed, chug coffee to un-zombify yourself, and trudge off to that job you know damn well you don’t like.

Every now and then, you tell yourself things will magically change, but they don’t. Your circumstances won’t change because you won’t change.

Not only do you know this, but you subtly beat yourself up about it all the time, which doesn’t seem to help, because you keep repeating the same mistake of failing to act.

You repeat this cycle day after day until you feel stuck, trapped, and hopeless.

You find yourself on book description pages like this, wondering if this $4.99 book can really help you, or if it’s going to be another ‘me- too’ self-help book written by a hack author.

I feel your pain…and I want to offer you a solution.

Introducing You 2.0.

Want proof this book can actually help?

Read these excerpts from real reviews written by real people (seriously they are right here on Amazon):

“Wow! I never saw this book coming! I thought I had read them all those books on personal development about reinventing oneself. But the author Ayodeji Awosika came from a totally different unsuspecting angle!

When I saw the link to his book, I’m not going to lie, I thought, yeah, another one of those promising books […] But I relented, got my copy and began to gingerly turn the pages. And goodness, gracious me, the author really got me!”


“I have read dozens of self-help books but I am always on the lookout for new ones that give me another insight. Usually I find the same messages but in this book there were quite a few concepts that hit home. Maybe I had heard them before but the writing is so straight up and compelling they really hit home this time.”

If you check out You 2.0 you’ll learn:

  • The hidden psychological barriers that keep you from changing (and how to destroy them)

  • The two words that determine the quality of your life (plus a little trick to dramatically increase your self-confidence)

  • Why finding your passion is a waste of time (and what you should do instead)

  • The key ingredients to change that helped me quit smoking, lose 20 lbs., publish two books, and triple my income (without needing superhuman willpower)

  • How millions are taking advantage of the new economy (and how you can too)

Each chapter of the book ends with key takeaways and exercises to help you apply what you learned.

This is the type of information some business coaches, gurus, and life coaches charge $2,000 + for. Seriously.

I’ve put everything I’ve learned about personal transformation into a $4.99 e-book (this is the price...for now. I will probably raise it soon because people are getting so much value I feel like I should charge more, even though I love providing great deals).

How much is an idea that could potentially change your life worth?

Anyway, I’ll leave you with this 'thought gift'

There are two types of people in this world -- people who hesitate and people who say ‘why not?’

When I stopped hesitating to try new things, I finally started to accomplish all the things I used to dream about.

You’ve tried the route of hesitation before, haven’t you? Does it work? You know the answer.

My question to you when it comes to buying this book is ‘why not?’

Scroll up, hit the buy button, and let’s work together to transform your life.