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Freedom Through Memedom: The 31-Day Guide to Waking Up to Liberty (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
In his initial offering, Mance Rayder has constructed a 31-day guide that walks you through the many ways in which the government (In his case that of the United States, but it applies to most States worldwide) has designed a system to make you believe that you are free, but you are in fact, a slave to their whims. The worst part of which is that most believe that they ARE in fact a liberated people. Mance uses the popular form of communication, the internet "meme," as a launching point to a daily lesson in which he exposes the power that WE have allowed the government to have over us. His ultimate goal is that, at the end of 31 days, your mind will be tuned to see how the State has put you into a "free-range" pen, and that the first step to getting out of it is to recognize their deceptions at every step.
The Forward is by Scott Horton, the Director of LibertarianInstitute.org, and Editor at antiwar.com. Scott is widely considered THE authority on U.S. foreign policy in the Libertarian movement. His best seller Fool's Errand is available on Amazon.