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料理人垂涎の調味料マルピーギ社・バルサミコのニューブランドホワイトバルサミコ・プレリバート Prelibato

価格: ¥4,968
カテゴリ: その他
ブランド: マルピーギ
■容量:200ml ■産地:イタリア・モデナ(マルピーギ社) Our delectable white balsamic vinegar, or Prelibato, graces the palate with a delicious experience for the fine foods enthusiast. White balsamic vinegar serves as an equally tasty alternative to the traditional dark aged balsamic vinegar, and boasts a truly unique flavor. Its delicate yet savory essence makes it the ideal companion for seafood and fresh fruit. 200ml / 6.76oz 200ml / 6.76oz