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The End for Which God Created the World: Updated to Modern English (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Glory Focus (www.gloryfocus.com)
Why did God make the world? Though rarely asked today, the question of why God created the world captured the thought and imagination of Jonathan Edwards, one of history's most profound thinkers. Using both reason and Scripture, Edwards determined that God created the world primarily as an arena for his eternal and innate glory to flow outward like a fountain, and for his emanating glory to be received, praised, and enjoyed by the creatures he made. How he arrives at this answer is an amazing, worship-inducing journey. This version of Edwards' classic treatise is a modern English paraphrase, designed to allow readers to meditate on the ideas and truths Edwards illuminates, rather than unravelling his long and dense sentences.

Pastor Jared Wilson: "Dollar has both polished the diamonds and given us the lenses to better behold them. Read, study, enjoy, and worship Christ through this book."

Edwards scholar Kyle Strobel: "Jonathan Edwards is, without question, one of the great minds of the Christian tradition. Unfortunately, Edwards is often lauded but rarely read, because he is such a difficult read, both in the depth of his thoughts and in archaic writing style. Jason does us a great service, making the first more accessible by updating the second. Reading these classic works allow your affections to be stoked by the Spirit!"