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Money Loves You: Easy Manifestations Secrets Revealed (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Aberdeenshire Publishing

Money Loves You is the message that best-selling author Blair Robertson has for you. 

In this practical, woo-woo-free book, Blair Robertson shows you how to manifest everything in life you desire and live a happy, stress-free and fulfilled life. 

STOP! If you are one of those folks looking for a guru to sell you silly secrets, look elsewhere, please. You will not "think a car" into existence, "wish bills to go away" or any of the other depressing things taught by others. Blair's stuff works. 


  • Money Loves You: money is flowing all around you right at this very second, and we'll prove it to you. In fact, the United States Government backs it up. 
  • Spirit Guides: you are not alone. Your spirit guides are there to help you along the way in life. Blair Robertson literally "wrote the book" on Spirit Guides. He'll show you how you can let your guides help you manifest. 
  • The REAL secret to manifesting. (Hint: it's a good four-letter word).
  • Secrets to releasing worry and fear. It doesn't matter how you got to where you are today. Release fear, blame and victim-thinking quickly. Embrace the greatness for which you were born.
  • Discover how to develop easily the faith that you CAN manifest. 
  • Blair Robertson's World's Easiest 3-Step Goal Setting Formula: you'll laugh at how simple it is, but it works. 
  • Blair Robertson's Magic 4th Manifestation Step that makes the manifestations work. 
  • Blair Robertson's 2-Minute Manifestation Meditation. Fun, easy and powerful to use! (Hint, if you are breathing, you can do this). 
  • And of course, Blair Robertson's "One Thing" technique that has the potential to change your life. It's helped thousands, it can help you. (Best part? It's easy to do!)

Money Loves You. Why not attract more of it into your life? If not for you, for your family and causes that you support? Scroll up, grab your copy and start manifesting right away.