How to Become a Hero (The Hero-God Series Book 1) (English Edition)
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"The test of any man lies in action." - Pindar
Everyone can become a hero. We have an inbuilt program for it, but few choose to activate it, or know where to begin.
Learn about your inner hero in terms of Jungian and Freudian psychology,creative writing theory, the theory of sympathetic magic, NLP, Nietzsche and existentialism.
En route, you will discover the horrors of the ultimate jail - the Panopticon - that shapes our world. You will stumble through Derrida's method of deconstruction and learn if you are living in bad faith (according to Sartre).
What is the difference between the ego and the self? Is the self our soul, and does it have a direct connection to God? Is The Matrix the ultimate hero tale,and Neo the supreme hero?
How does Bicameralism - Julian Jaynes's theory that gods once "lived"in the right hemisphere of the human brain - fit in with the hero archetype?
Have you heard of "God's Calculator"? How does the ancient pagan festival of Saturnalia make a mockery of Christmas? Where does WikiLeaks fit in? What is the tragic tale of the Lady of Shalott?
This is a book in a controversial series by the Pythagorean Illuminati. Do not read this book if you are a "cheap" person, an Abrahamist, a conspiracy theorist; if you are close-minded, petty, and a "moaner".The world is sick of people like you. Heroes are never whiners and whingers.