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Eve and Adam: Chapters 1-5

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Feiwel & Friends

Download the first five chapters of Eve & Adam by Michael Grant and Katherine Applegate

In the beginning, there was an apple-

And then there was a car crash, a horrible injury, and a hospital. But before Evening Spiker's head clears, a strange boy named Solo is rushing her to her mother's research facility. There, under the best care available, Eve is left alone to heal.

Just when Eve thinks she will die-not from her injuries, but from boredom-her mother gives her a special project: Create the perfect boy.

Using an amazingly detailed simulation, Eve starts building a boy from the ground up. Eve is creating Adam. And he will be just perfect . . . won't he?

Intrigued? Eve & Adam is available now!