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Where God and Medicine Meer: A conversation between a doctor and a spiritual messenger (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Rainbow Ridge Books
Are medical miracles real and is there a spiritual reason they occur? Is there a place for euthanasia in the mind of the spiritual seeker? Can participating in open-heart surgery and dissecting cadavers tell a medical student anything about the soul? Is there an intersection between spirituality and physicality where the two become one?
Let’s get more direct with our questions.
Is there a place for God in the system of modern Western medicine? Should metaphysical/spiritual principles be part of the medical school curriculum? Is keeping patients alive an appropriate top priority for doctors?
The answer to all of the above questions is yes.
Is it possible that human beings are more than simply biological creatures, physical entities with a highly developed mind? Could it be that we are also (or even primarily) spiritual entities? If so, could “healing” involve more than “fixing” the body and treating the mind, but also engaging the Source from which many believe we have emerged? These are not inconsequential questions. Neither are the answers found here.

Neale Donald Walsch is the author of 33 books on contemporary spirituality, including the best-selling Conversations with God series. His work has been translated into 37 languages and read by millions around the world.

Dr. Brit Cooper, M.D., graduated from the University of British Columbia medical school at 24 after being the top mathematics and science student at the University of Victoria. She is the author of the forthcoming book, From Doctor to Healer: A Clarion Call to the Medical Profession.