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Did You Hear Me Crying? (The Heartbreaking True Story of a Child Abused) - Child Abuse True Stories (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Child Abuse True Stories
This is the book that should never have had to been written - let alone experienced.

Every child and human being has a fundamental right to a life free from humiliation, fear and violence. Yet the World Health Organisation estimates that up to 40 million children are abused every year and according to Women's Aid, 1 in 3 women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in her lifetime.

In this shocking memoir, Cassie Moore gives a very open and honest description of how she suffered and survived a lifetime of abuse. She describes:

- The sexual, physical and emotional abuse she suffered at the hands of her Stepfather and Mother, who then sold her into marriage at the age of 16
- The heartbreak she suffered when she naively left her 22 month old baby behind when she fled to London with the man she fell in love with, only to be abused by him for a further 23 years
- The self-loathing, depression and despair she felt during those lonely years
- The enormous sacrifices she had to make to save herself and start a new life