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The Clock Strikes Twelve (Miss Silver Book 7) (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
The era is a time during te World War 1. The clock rings in a New Year at midnight just as someone is murdered. There are more than a few unlikeable personalities running around within this book. It kind of makes the reader wish they would all get picked by the police just for being the nerve-racking menaces which they are.
A party takes place on News Year. This reminds me of a Sherlock Holmes mystery of “Who done it”. A house holiday celebration. A budding romance. A murder at midnight. A room full of sour relations who are suspects. Although, the mystery is a typical spin-off of classic murderous fiction, the plot is well written in the Wentworth style. Eventually, the services of Miss Silver are called in. She has her hands full with a room full of suspects all of which have a motive for murder.