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Climate Leviathan: A Political Theory of our Planetary Future

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Verso

How climate change will affect our political theory—for better and worse

Despite all the science and summits, leading capitalist states have not managed to mitigate anything close to an adequate level of carbon emissions. There is no way the world will warm less than the critical 2C threshold. What are the likely political-economic outcomes? Where is our warming world headed? Possibilities in the struggle for climate justice depend on our capacity to anticipate where the existing global order is likely to go. Climate Leviathan provides a radical way of thinking about how environmental change will intensify existing challenges to global order, unearthing the forces for a planetary variation on existing forms of sovereignty. Drawing on a wide range of political thought, Wainwright and Mann argue that rapid climate change will transform global political economy and our world’s basic political arrangements, leading toward a capitalist planetary sovereignty. Alternative futures must be constructed in the face of these transformations.