Jesse Dukeminier’s trademark wit, passion, and human interest perspective has made Property, now in its Ninth Edition, one of the best—and best loved—casebooks of all time. A unique blend of authority and good humor, you’ll find a rich visual design, compelling cases, and timely coverage of contemporary issues. In the Ninth Edition, the authors have created a thoughtful and thorough revision, true to the spirit of the classic Property text.
Key Benefits:
- A new chapter on the Intellectual Property/Property relationship, that gives students a taste of patent law, copyright law, trademark law, and trade secrets law. The chapter highlights the differences and similarities among the legal treatment of real, chattel, and intellectual property.
- A dynamic, two-color designed casebook that encompasses cases, text, questions, problems, examples and numerous photographs and diagrams.
- Extended coverage of major recent Supreme Court decisions, including Murr v. Wisconsin, Horne v. Department of Agriculture, and Marvin M. Brandt Revocable Trust v. United States.