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ANDROID PROGRAMMING: Complete Introduction for Beginners –Step By Step Guide How to Create Your Own Android App Easy! (Programming is Easy Book 2) (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
This book is a guide to android programmers and especially to beginners on how to create amazing apps for android devices. The book begins by describing what “android” and “android programming” are. Beginners are then guided on how to set up the environment ready for programming. This includes the necessary components and how to prepare them.
The next part is a guide on how to create a new android project. A guide on how to run the app, whether on the real device or the emulator is provided. The programmer is also guided on how to prepare both the physical android device and the emulator for the purpose of running the app. Many features which are available in android have been explored and you will learn how to implement them using programs. An explanation on each and every program used in this book is given for ease of understanding.
Alert dialogs, which are a common feature in android have been explored hence you will get to know how to create them. The book has also explored on how to create animations. The book provides a guide on how to create apps which can be used to send short message services (SMS) and send emails.
The following chapters have been discussed in this book:
-Android Programming Basics
-Handling Events
-Advanced Features
-Sending an Email
-Short Message Service (SMS) in Android
-Tween Animations
-Alert Dialog in Android
-Auto Completion in Android
-Intents and Filters in Android
-Themes and Styles in Android