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Fast Forward your Business - 8 Paths to Hyper Growth (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Entrepreneurs Institute
Recommended Reading ...

The future is arriving in waves. In this insightful, powerful book, Roger James Hamilton gives you a birds eye view of these waves, and how they will impact your business.

From the rise of artificial intelligence, voice and touch, global crowd-sourcing and a new breed of consumer, Roger backs up his views and predictions with entrepreneur stories that are unfolding today.

How do you gain 100,000 Facebook fans? How do you sell 1,000,000 books on Amazon without a publisher and attract 5,000,000 Youtube subscribers without a product? What is the implication of sites like Pinterest and Kickstarter on the way we do business?

As well as recounting the stories of the businesses that are surfing the waves of change, Roger lays out the 8 paths to hyper-growth. Simple, punchy and easy to read, you will find strategies in here that you can adopt immediately to grow your business.

This book contains the up-to-date 2012 stories and moments of entrepreneurs including:

- Dennis Crowley and Foursquare
- Peter Diamandis and Singularity University
- Peter Thiel, eBay and the Thiel Foundation
- Mari Smith and Facebook Fan Pages
- Alex Bernstein and North Social
- Jack Nickell and Threadless
- Rajat Garg and SocialAppsHQ
- Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook
- Amazon Kindle bestselling authors, John Locke & Amanda Hocking
- Vic Johnson and ‘As a man thinketh’
- MIchael Ellsberg and ‘The Education of Millionaires’
- The growth of artificial intelligence
- IBM, Watson, Ken Jennings and Jeopardy
- Yancey Strickler, Perry Chen and Kickstarter
- Sebastian Thrun, Stanford and Udacity
- Ray William Johnson and Youtube
- Chris Anderson and TED
- Jacqueline Novogratz and the Acumen Fund
- Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank
- Jessica Jackley, Kiva, Profounder and GOOD
- Jordan Insley and eBay
- Gabby & Hezi Leibovich and Scoopon
- Ben Silbermann and Pinterest
- Jack Dorsey, Ev Williams, Blogger and Twitter
- Salman Khan and Khan Academy

The book also puts into context the paths of fast growth organisations including Virgin, Apple, Google, Zynga, Groupon, Living Social and the Green School, Vision Adventures & XL Vision Villas in Bali.

To provide a link between these entrepreneurs and your personal path, the book includes Wealth Dynamics and the 8 Paths to Hyper-growth, and the 9 levels of the Wealth Spectrum. It explains the 8 paths with reference to Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Martha Stewart, Jack Welch, Steve Ballmer, Donald Trump, Michael Ovitz, Rupert Murdoch, George Soros, Jim Rogers, Warren Buffett, Li Ka Shing, Carlos Slim, John D Rockefeller, Sergey Brin, Sam Walton and Jeff Bezos. It includes video and media links to bring the paths to life.

About the Author

Roger James Hamilton is a futurist, social entrepreneur, and creator of the Wealth Dynamic, the world’s leading profiling system for entrepreneurs. The system has been used by over 60,000 entrepreneurs to support them and their teams in following their flow. Roger runs a series of Fast Forward speaking tours each year in Australia, USA, UK and South Africa.