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DIANA - The Last Word (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
During the last five years of her life, Diana had many friends and confidantes. However there was one in particular who was very special to her. She was not part of Diana’s social circle; she was not a family friend; but she was the one who was prepared to put her own life on hold and devote herself to the troubled Princess. Simone Simmons, a healer by profession, but with a strong analytical mind, formed a unique bond with Diana. They met almost every day and spent several hours on the telephone. Diana opened up her heart - and her mind – to Simone, whom she trusted completely, and Simone helped to shape the remainder of the Princess’s tragically short life.
Diana told Simone she wanted her to write a book which revealed the truth about her. She said: “Simone, if anything happens to me, write a book and tell it like it is”.
This book is the result.
With her extraordinary insight into the Princess’s life, Simone explains how it really was: Diana’s lovers; her fascination with religion and her belief in the after-life; why she harmed herself; her interest in politics and her disappointment with Tony Blair; her relationship with her children and her in-laws; and, of course, with Prince Charles.
Diana – The Last Word finally sets the record straight on the many unanswered questions about Diana’s life and addresses the many revelations that have materialised since her death.