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Finding Rest in Illusion: The Trilogy of Rest, Volume 3

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Shambhala
A new translation of the Tibetan master Longchenpa's famous work that systematically presents the path of yogic conduct according to the Dzogchen tradition.

Longchenpa's Finding Rest in Illusion, the third and final volume of the Trilogy of Rest, is a classic fourteenth-century Buddhist text that describes in detail the proper conduct of those who have stabilized their recognition of the nature of the mind. This work follows the first volume of Longchenpa's trilogy, Finding Rest in the Nature of the Mind, which focuses on establishing the view, and the second volume, Finding Rest in Meditation, which focuses on practicing the path of meditation. This volume is a culmination of the teachings by outlining a practitioner's yogic conduct according to the Dzogchen tradition.

The Padmakara Translation Group has provided us with a clear and fluid new translation of Finding Rest in Illusion, which will serve as a genuine aid to study and meditation. This is an invaluable manual for anyone who wishes to find true rest while engaging in the illusory appearances of day-to-day life through applying the Buddhist view and practice.