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The Fellowship of the River: A Medical Doctor’s Exploration into Traditional Amazonian Plant Medicine (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Espiritu Books and Joseph Tafur
“This is the medicine of the future, the big answer to what ails us in the West. For millennia the doctor and the medicine man were one and the same person. Dr. Tafur takes us into the heart of the Amazon and shows us how spirit can heal the body, how love can repair the soul, and how awakening to our higher purpose and mission in life can open the doors to health and long life. Brilliant!”

Alberto Villoldo, PhD, bestselling author of Shaman, Healer, Sage and One Spirit Medicine

“Dr. Tafur's timely book takes us on an enchanted adventure through the emerging world of Amazonian shamanism.  All along the way, he engages the reader with personal stories that illuminate his exciting and evolving philosophy of medicine and healing.”

Andrew Weil, MD, bestselling author of Spontaneous Healing and 8 Weeks to Optimum Health

"Much has been written in recent years about ayahuasca, the Amazonian brew that evokes visions and insights. Less has been written about its healing potentials, but Joe Tafur, M.D., has filled the void with his remarkable book. Dr. Tafur provides an authoritative explanation for ayahuasca's cures by drawing on data from neuroscience, psychology, and what is known about mind/body interactions. He also candidly points out the brew's dangers and limitations, noting that ayahuasca is no panacea. The importance of this book cannot be underestimated; the suggestions given for medicine, psychotherapy, and spiritual awakening could transform institutions and societies as well as individuals and their families."

Stanley Krippner, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology, Saybrook University.
Co-author Demystifying Shamans And Their World

Western medicine has not been particularly successful at getting people relief from conditions like depression, chronic pain, migraine headaches, addiction, and PTSD. Dr. Tafur helps us to understand why.

I have watched people spend years in frustration and thousands of dollars consulting an army of specialists, without getting real relief from their problem. Because these and others are diseases deeply connected with the state of our emotional bodies. Too often, the Western medical approach fails to address the emotional dimension of illness. This is where traditional plant medicines, with their ability to alter consciousness and open channels of communication to our emotions, offer so much promise.

The stories shared here demonstrate the astonishing—mystical, colorful, metaphysical—effects of ayahuasca and Traditional Amazonian Plant Medicine. Follow Dr. Tafur through the Amazon jungle as he develops a breakthrough understanding of how psychoactive plants interact with the complex network that connects our minds and hearts to our physical anatomy. What Dr. Tafur presents here is nothing short of a paradigm shift for modern medicine, where sacred plants, used properly in ceremony, take their place as important tools in the doctor’s medicine chest, offering the missing elements of emotional and spiritual healing that have eluded us for so long.