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Highly Favored of the Lord IV (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
Mike Stroud has spent his lifetime as a teacher, working 27 years in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Church Education System. He retired from CES in 2006 and he and his wife, Margie, went on to serve three missions together.
Sometimes, Mike’s students will ask, “What scripture is that? Where can I find that?” His famous response is, “That’s Mike Stroud chapter 9 verse 12!”
He is very firm in his belief that,

“Nobody should believe anything I say. I want that to be understood; you should not believe anything I say. What we are doing here is gathering information. All of us are truth seekers and once we gather this information, we should take it to our Heavenly Father, in the name of His Son, and let the Holy Ghost confirm or deny what we hear. It’s up to each one of us, who are seeking after truth, to let the Holy Ghost confirm that it is truth or it is error, and we each have the franchise to do that.”

Here are some questions that are answered in Mike’s 4th book covering podcasts 37 through 47.

What is the doctrine of Election?
Who are the real Gentiles?
What is the Gift of the Holy Ghost?
What is the Baptism of Fire?
Who is the Remnant of Jacob?
What is the difference between primary prayer and mighty prayer?
How is it possible to face torture and death with confidence?
Are you having a crisis of faith?
Why are your weaknesses considered gifts?
The dispensation of the fullness of times has 2 parts. What are they?
Do we receive our full endowment when we visit the temple?
Does eternity have an end?