Have you ever wished that you had Sherlock Holmes-like observational skills? Would you like to be able to learn how to concentrate better and be more productive in a shorter amount of time? Many people believe that skills like that of observation and concentration are something that a person is born with, that you either have it or you don’t and that’s it. But, fortunately, this is not the case. Like any other skill, mindfulness can be taught, though some will obviously take to it faster than others. In this book, author Stefan Cain teaches you how to train your brain to work more effectively in a variety of ways using several different exercises and methods.
Stefan Cain has studied the human brain for years, particularly in regards to its functionality. His research and experiments have shown him that the brain, like other parts of the body, can be shaped, sculpted, and, eventually, trained in such a way as to promote increased mindfulness. By following the methods outlined in this book, and by coming to understand how the brain works, you will learn how to:
By reading, understanding, and then implementing the techniques described in this book, you can be a better, more productive, and less stressed you in no time at all.