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価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Cornerstone Digital

A brilliant and compelling Regency romance by one of our best-known and most beloved historical novelists of all time.

The three great-nephews of cantankerous Mr Penicuik know better than to ignore his summons, especially when it concerns the bestowal of his fortune -- the wily old gentleman has hatched a typically freakish plan for his stepdaughter's future and his own amusement: his fortune will be Kitty's dowry. But while the beaux are scrambling for her hand, Kitty counters with her own inventive, if daring, scheme: a sham engagement which should keep wedlock at bay ...

Cotillion shows what made Georgette Heyer the undisputed queen of historical romance - one of the most popular novelists of her day, she is still adored by a huge readership.