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Battles For Freedom: The Use and Abuse of American History : Essays from 'The Nation' (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd and The Nation Company, LLC
For almost four decades, Eric Foner has introduced
readers of The Nation to unknown or forgotten
characters in American history, methodically
unearthing the hidden history of American radicalism. In this
collection, Foner expounds on the relevance of Abraham Lincoln’s
legacy in the twenty-first century and on the need for another
era of Reconstruction. In addition to calling out politicians and
the powerful for their abuse and misuse of American history,
Foner assesses some of his fellow leading historians of the late
20th century, including Richard Hofstadter, Howard Zinn and
Eric Hobsbawm. Foner ends with an essay on the great tradition
of radicalism that he has spent his career studying and which,
he argues, Americans of progressive disposition should seek to
celebrate, retrieve, and renew.

“Nothing could be more timely, more needed than this collection of
Eric Foner’s work. Throughout his career, Professor Foner has enlightened
and provoked us to become our better selves.”
Toni Morrison, Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature
“An extraordinary collection of essays, at once erudite and unflinching,
from one of America’s most gifted historians.”
Jill Lepore, David Woods Kemper '41 Professor of American History
at Harvard University