✪ How to pick a pediatrician with savvy questions to ask and insider tips.
✪ Sleep. The best way to get your baby to sleep through the night.
✪ First aid—when to worry, when not . . . and what to do when baby gets sick. No-nonsense, down-to-earth advice you can trust.
✪ Fussy baby 411. Is it colic? Acid reflux? Or something else? Discover the secrets to soothing a fussy baby.
✪ Detailed nutrition info with a step-by-step guide for successful breastfeeding, introducing solid food and the ‘‘new and improved'' formulas. Plus: simple steps to avoid food allergies!
✪ Is my baby normal? Learn how your baby will grow and develop!
New in this revised 7th edition:
1. Screens and your baby ―The latest recommendations on when and how to use technology with your newborn!
2. That's nuts! When should you introduce baby to peanut butter? We've got the latest important research findings on peanut allergies.
3. Amber teething necklaces and other internet crazes to avoid!
All that and more in the new, updated and revised BABY 411!