YAXI for HD650 イヤーパッド
価格: ¥6,200
HD650用にデザインされた本製品は、内径部分と表面にイタリア製高級素材アルカンターラを採用したYAXIオリジナルのハイブリットイヤーパッド。パッド側面には合成レザーを使用した半解放型仕様。パッド内の空間を広く保つ設計で快適な装着感と新鮮なタイトなサウンドエフェクトが得られる。LRの印字フィルターも付属。 for HD650 is YAXI’s original hybrid earpad designed for the model of HD650 headphone. Its surface and inner diameter are made of Alcatara, a premium material made in Italy, and its outside diameter is made of protein leather. The semi-open structure and the 25mm slow-rebound sponge keep more spaces apart from the ears to get fresh wearing feeling and stereophonic sound. A pair of filters is included. Alcantara® 9990TH is light, water-repellent and flame-retardant with long-lasting high breathability. It is 100% carbon-neutral and eco-friendly. 交換可能機種 HD545/565/580/600/650