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Killing Kennedy: The Real Story (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
The first book to reveal how the Warren Commission's most famous critics and defenders were working for the same team. On any major conspiracy involving CIA ops, the company puts its players into the driver's seat on both sides of the wedge. It has taken Hager 30 years to untangle the basic outline of the op, and he doesn't pretend to have the final story, just something closer than the average JFK book, many of which run long and are stuffed with unessential detail.

Despite the avalanche of disinfo dumped by the major media over the decades, the assassination of JFK has unraveled. A renegade CIA station working with a Sicilian secret society orchestrated the hit, but their participation would never have been so massively covered-up unless they were working for elements at the highest levels of the Pentagon and NSA.

Whether you are new to this case, or a longtime researcher, you'll find these penetrating essays entertaining, enlightening and highly original.