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Pieces of the Puzzle: An Anthology (JFK: Pieces of the Puzzle Book 1) (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Semper Ad Meliora
We are standing before a closing window–in regards to the events surrounding the JFK Assassination. We are losing witnesses because of the passage of time. Many of these people have never been interviewed, or their testimony was unfaithfully recorded. Some are quite upfront about what they experienced and know. Others are more concerned about how history will record their lives and shy away from anything that would color them in a negative way. We may never know who orchestrated the murder of our 35th president but we can better understand the history of the times, the political atmosphere and the people who felt that their brand of patriotism deserved to be acknowledged. In many ways, the untold stories of these people parallel the current Presidential Administration in their scope and actions. The purpose of this book is to introduce to the JFK Assassination canon a plethora of new interviews of people who were central to the Warren Commission; the House Select Committee on Assassinations; the Church Committee and the Assassination Records Review Board. These are the stories you will find in no other book. These are pieces of the puzzle that make up the cover up and assassination of John F. Kennedy.
•Read interviews of five key people who have never been interviewed in depth. These witnesses will make the reader question why we were never told about their experiences by any of the tax-payer funded commissions and committees.
•Have a better understanding of the vitriol that permeated the JFK Administration much like the Trump Administration today.
•Read a book unlike any that have been published in the last twenty years. People who believe that Oswald acted alone will not be confronted with a cacophony of opinions and theories but a factual, historical record confirmed by reports, first-hand experiences and supported by assassination records. People who believe in a conspiracy and cover up will learn more about key people and those on the periphery of the JFK Assassination.

Each chapter in the book is a stand-alone story about an event or witness key to the JFK Assassination. If this book were to become serialized on a History or Mystery network, each story could make an episode. Further, this book’s extensive research could be used by students of history in the classroom. As a political tome, it contrasts and compares the socio-political atmosphere of the 1960’s and its genesis to the atmosphere we are witnessing in current times. Though each chapter stands alone, they are related due to the history, relations to one another and events in Dallas and the world in regards to the JFK Assassination.
I am the author of Orville Nix: The Missing JFK Assassination Film first self-published by the author and later purchased by Skyhorse Publishing in 2016. This book was named “Best JFK Book of 2014” by Attorney and professor of Law at the University of Georgia School of Law, Donald E. Wilkes, Jr. http://digitalcommons.law.uga.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1207&context=fac_pm