Trust::Data: A New Framework for Identity and Data Sharing (English Edition)
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As the economy and society move from a world where interactions were physical and based on paper documents, toward a world that is primarily governed by digital data and digital transactions, our existing methods of managing identity and data security are proving inadequate. Large-scale fraud, identity theft and data breaches are becoming common, and a large fraction of the population have only the most limited digital credentials. Even so, our digital infrastructure is recognized as a strategic asset which must be resilient to threat. If we can create an Internet of Trusted Data that provides safe, secure access for everyone, then huge societal benefits can be unlocked, including better health, greater financial inclusion, and a population that is more engaged with and better supported by its government. Some of the world's leading data scientists, led by MIT Professor Alex Pentland, describe a roadmap and platforms to implement this new paradigm.
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