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Through the Light: After-Effects of a Near-Death Experience (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
Since her near-death experience in 2011, poignantly described in Beyond Sight, Marion Rome has lost all fear of dying. More than that – she’s also developed “a profound trust in love, life and humankind”.

Her days look different now… She finds herself saying “I love you” to people – whether she knows them well or not! – and putting her own life second if it means she can increase the love and joy in this world. She is losing patience in surprising ways and gaining it in others just as unexpected. She has learned to forgive the "unforgivable".

All this, while remaining fundamentally optimistic through hard times.

But Marion still has a few questions: Why do people worry so much? Why do we focus so hard on the material things in life? And why do we create so many divisions based on background, lifestyle or religion?

Marion argues that the hard part of an NDE is making sense of the earthly world afterwards.

Of course, she still understands the human tendency towards fear and preoccupation. Yet, after being briefly reunited with the ultimate loving Light during her NDE, what Marion is sure of, above all, is that nothing in this life is impossible when we are carried by a force as powerful as love.