アレルギー防止 ジュエリー シールド ペイント式
価格: ¥938
材料: クラフトグロス
数量: 1
A simple solution for those who suffer from certain metal allergies. Jewelry Shield is a paint-on resin product that creates a barrier between skin and metal. It will even work on pierced earrings! To apply, shake bottle gently, then apply one coat to all metal parts of jewelry that will touch skin. Allow product to dry at least 20 minutes between coats. For best results, coat heavily and allow jewelry to dry overnight. Instructions and a small diagram are included on package. Product can be removed from jewelry with nail polish remover. PLEASE NOTE: This product is extremely flammable and harmful or fatal if swallowed. Use only in well ventilated area. Once dry, it is not hazardous to skin. Ingredients: Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Xylene, Resins. Quantity: 1/2 oz bottle, includes built-in brush.