The new edition of this AJN Book of the Year continues to provide nurses with the most comprehensive, current, and reliable information available so they can develop the skills to efficiently and effectively respond to disasters or public health emergencies. Meticulously researched and reviewed by the worldís foremost experts in preparedness for terrorism, natural disasters, and other unanticipated health emergencies, the text has been revised and updated with significant new content, including 10 new chapters and a digital adjunct teacher's guide with exercises and critical thinking questions.
This new edition has strengthened its pediatric focus with updated and expanded chapters on caring for children's physical, mental, and behavioral health following a disaster. New chapters address climate change, global complex human emergencies, caring for patients with HIV/AIDS following a disaster, information technology and disaster response, and hospital and emergency department preparedness. The text provides a vast amount of evidence-based information on disaster planning and response for natural and environmental disasters and those caused by chemical, biological, and radiological elements, as well as disaster recovery. It also addresses leadership, management, and policy issues in disaster nursing and deepens our understanding of the importance of protecting mental health throughout the disaster life cycle. Each chapter is clearly formatted and includes Key Messages and Learning Objectives. Appendices present diagnosis and treatment regimens, creating personal disaster plans, a damage assessment guide, a glossary of terms, and more. Consistent with the Federal Disaster Response Framework, the book promotes competency-based expert nursing care during disasters and positive health outcomes for small and large populations.
Key Features:
New Chapters: